Cohort III Background:
Cohort III is comprised of five women in STEM, 4 Associate Professors and 1 Assistant Professor.
Cohort III Goals:
- Leadership development pertaining to academic advancement and skills training in order to effect departmental and institutional transformative change.
Cohort III Activities:
- Regular monthly meetings during which members discussed departmental and institutional barriers and opportunities, ideas for future activities and career advancement, specifically promotion to full professor.
- “Behind closed doors” session with Dr. Maria Klawe, President of Harvey Mudd College, to discuss top-level university leadership and strategies for improving department climates for women in STEM.
- “Becoming a Person of Influence” workshop with Jo Miller, CEO of Women’s Leadership Coaching, Inc., which taught members to use various methods of influence to assert themselves in their departments and the broader university community.
- Private sessions with UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski during which he presented his case study on academic leadership developed for The Harvard Seminar for New Presidents.