Naghmeh Karimi

Dr Naghmeh Karimi is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) department, University of Maryland Baltimore County. She received the Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tehran in 2010. She was a visiting researcher at Yale University, USA between 2007 and 2009, and a post-doctoral researcher at Duke University, USA during 2011-2012. She has been a visiting assistant professor at New York University and Rutgers University between 2012 and 2016.


Dr. Karimi joined University of Maryland Baltimore County in 2017 where she is leading the SECure, REliable and Trusted Systems (SECRETS) research lab. She has published three book chapters and authored/co-authored more than 50 papers in referred conference proceedings and journal manuscripts. Her current research interests include hardware security, VLSI testing, design-for-trust, design-for-testability, and design-for-reliability. Dr. Karimi is a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2020. She is currently an Associate Editor of the Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA) and a Guest Editor of the Special issue of ‘’Hardware Security in Emerging Technologies: Vulnerabilities, Attacks and Solutions” for the IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS).