Dr. Kathleen Hoffman

hoffmanProfessor, Mathematics and Statistics

Associate Dean, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Kathleen Hoffman (nee Rogers) received her Ph.D. from University of Maryland, College Park in 1997 under the supervision of Prof. John Maddocks on the topic of “‘Stability Exchange in Parameter-Dependent Constrained Variational Principles with Applications to Elastic Rod Models of DNA Minicircles”. From 1997-1999, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institutes for Mathematics and its Applications at the University of Minnesota before starting as an assistant professor at UMBC in 1999. In 2005, she was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure. The WISE group and the Advance grant had a significant impact on Dr. Hoffman’s success and professional development. These programs provided the impetus for the university family and medical leave policy, which she took advantage of twice before tenure. Additionally, the leadership training sponsored by the Advance grant has provided valuable professional development. Currently, Dr. Hoffman  co-directs  the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) group, holds a seat on the Provost’s Advance Executive Committee, and chairs the Advance Leadership Alliance.


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